MOCKTAIL is a standard Semi-Fungible Token (SFT) The world’s first ERC 1155 on the BSC

4 min readJun 13, 2021

About Mocktails

Mocktail Token is MocktailSwap’s first semi-fungible token. Mocktail Finance is an AMM protocol that mixes multi-strategy yield optimization on the low cost / slip Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that also provides aggregation via vault compounding, borrowing, and yield gain for max returns.

MocktailSwap may be a decentralized exchange solution on the Binance Smart Chain. we offer a platform to make a totally secure and fast decentralized token exchange system.

Stable positioning of your assets with little or no permanent loss
Automatic, maximally optimized results
Complete decentralization
Fully governance-based MOK behaviour therapy

How does it work?

This is a replacement Ethereum token standard on the Binance Smart Chain and a replacement sort of dapp on Mocktail Finance! The ERC-1155 token standard provides how to make one smart contract that governs an almost unlimited number of tokens — technically, ²² with token types with up to ²²⁵⁶ copies each.

In addition, each token is semi-equivalent. Unlike ERC-721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs), each of which may only be owned by one address.

Mocktail Token is MocktailSwap’s first half-fungible token. Mocktail Finance is an AMM protocol that integrates a Binance Smart chain (BSC) multi-strategy return optimization system with low fees/sliding, which also offers accumulation for optimal returns by way of vault composition, loan, and yield. MocktailSwap is Binance Smart Chain’s decentralized swap approach. MocktailSwap provides a forum for the complete and fast decentralization of the token swapping scheme. Furnishing MocktailSwap:

  1. Stable placement of the money with little to no damage
    2)Maximum automated output
  2. Total decentralization
    4)A MOK token economy focused on complete governance

Services of MocktailSwap
MocktailSwap is Binance Smart Chain’s decentralized swap approach. MockTailSwap offers a forum to build a fully safe and rapidly decentralized swap system of tokens. Now let’s see what features that MocktailSwap provides:

Staking at MocktailSwap
A staking pool is a collective of coin holders who merge their money to maximize their odds that blocks are validated and rewarded. They bring together their staking strength and their commitment to the pool in proportion to their incentives.

Swapping at MocktailSwap
Swapping is the exchange mechanism on the same network from one token to another. The exchange takes place at a minimum cost for the liquidity supplier who supplied the pool with liquidity.

MocktailSwap’s Farming
Rendering agriculture is a means for making more cryptography. You lend your money to others by the magic of computer programs known as intelligent contracts.

MocktailSwap Offers Unique Series Of Features

Users have access to token swapping with a minimum liquidity service provider charge under this protocol. There’s also yield harvesting, where users can use their tokens to realize more crypto. you want to lend the talks with smart contacts to other users here. you’ll also add the Mocktail tokens to verify protocol blocks and collect the income. The more tokens you’re playing, the more opportunities you’ve got to verify. But provisions to stay the main stakeholders from monopolizing this mechanism are included within the protocol. The staked tokens can still be unstated and prizes per block are determined. Four staking pairs, including MOK Pool, BNB Pool, BUSD Pool, and WBNB Pool, are sponsored by the protocol thus far.

Since the amount is comparatively high, people have an interest within the way the platform’s governance works. In other words, decentralized ventures like AMMs would wish high revenue to justify their governance tokens. i will be able to say that this is often a far better model than conventional risk finance, because it makes sure that dead ventures with no income don’t last for years like zombies for personal cash. The fluidity of DeFi funding means major cash suppliers are still moving the capital to platforms with the fastest return. it’s the time you ought to join the longer term with the assistance from MocktailSwap.


Ok so it’s not actually a roadmap: it’s a to-do list, in no particular order, with no particular timeline. This is how we work: as fast as we can, on the things we can. Pivoting is a way of life.

Full Site Rework

New homepage
Personal dashboard
Improved UX
Faster site
Mobile friendly
New navigation system
MOK Staking

MOK Staking
Core Pools
Community Pools: Host BSC community project Pools, support with 0.1–0.2x MOK farms
Other products

Voting (core feature)
IFO (Initial Farm Offering): Raise funds for your project in MOK-BNB LP tokens. After redeeming the LP tokens, the BNB is distributed to the project and the MOK is burned.
Analytics (core feature)
Lending & Borrowing: Lend and borrow BSC and LP tokens — MOK provides rate discount
Margin Trading: Trade BSC tokens with leverage on-chain — periodic MOK buyback and burn
NFT Ecosystem: Mint, trade, and more — all paid in MOK
First NFT round
NFT-based Gamification: Complete tasks, level up etc. to earn NFTs — use MOK to mint
Binary Options
Fixed-term Staking
Customizable User Profile


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